A Home Away From Home

KAUST opens the door to an international community on the shores of the Red Sea. Here, scholars and scientists live and work together in an all-inclusive campus.

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Life at Kaust

Housing & Amenities

From the grocery stores to medical facilities and pharmacies, every detail has been considered to create the most convenient living conditions for students.

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Restaurants & Coffee Shops

Here, the students can enjoy all the food they have back home. Subway, Burger King, Domino’s, Starbucks, pick your favourite.

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Recreation & Sports Facilities

We are here to support health and well-being of our students. We provide access to high quality gyms and fitness and yoga classes.

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Community Clubs

Community Clubs are community-led groups and a great place for people with similar interests to get together. We have everything from Art to Boardgaming clubs.

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This section should provide brief info about travel options (Jeddah, red sea, snorkeling, beaches)

Explore jeddah

Attracting those who want to change the world

Frequently Asked Questions

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships

An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

Lorem ipsum

  • A university interested in sending students abroad for research internships
  • An agreement signed by both universities

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