Keynote: Winter Enrichment Program

Jan 4, 2021
6:00pm – 8:00pm EST
Online (Zoom)
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The New Ventures & Product Innovation (IED210) spring course is a hands-on learning program run by the KAUST Entrepreneurship Center and is delivered to KAUST graduate students.

The New Ventures & Product Innovation (IED210) spring course is a hands-on learning program run by the KAUST Entrepreneurship Center and is delivered to KAUST graduate students. This course helps students develop not only entrepreneurial skills but also skills such as leadership, team development, conflict resolution, stakeholder and project management.

The class is an intensive, experiential learning environment that includes regular pitches with feedback from mentors and leverages real business cases to analyze concepts. Students hear perspectives from various business leaders and guest speakers as well as startup founders. Students also learn how to evaluate business ideas and develop an investor pitch; learning how to successfully communicate an idea. Skills learned in this class are for all students, not just entrepreneurs.


  • Carolyn Porco

    Carolyn Porco

    Planetary scientist
    As the leader of the Imaging Team on the Cassini mission to Saturn, Carolyn Porco interprets and shares the pictures coming back from this fascinating planet, its rings and its moons.
  • John Doe

    John Doe

    CEO of Company
    As the leader of the Imaging Team on the Cassini mission to Saturn, Carolyn Porco interprets and shares the pictures coming back from this fascinating planet, its rings and its moons.

About the organizer

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