VSRP Updates

Virtual VSRP Internships

Lindsay Gorman
Jan 4, 2021
Contact us

If you have any questions regarding this.


The International Office continues to run remote VSRP internships in 2021 to help faculty recruit B.S and M.S interns for their research projects.

We are also shifting our community online to help remote interns have an opportunity to learn more about KAUST and get to know each other. We host monthly virtual community sessions to answer intern questions and discuss opportunities for them to learn and grow.

If you have a remote VSRP intern working with you and would like to process them for arrival on campus when we can bring them safely to campus, please contact us. Although the current travel regulations mean a delayed return of in-person VSRP internship, your interest will help us reserve a VSRP slot for your intern.

A very important text, quote, testimonial, fact. A very important text, quote, testimonial, fact. We are also shifting our community online to help remote interns have an opportunity to learn more about KAUST and get to know each other. We host monthly virtual community sessions to answer intern questions and discuss opportunities for them to learn and grow.

Heading (H2)

We are also shifting our community online to help remote interns have an opportunity to learn more about KAUST and get to know each other. We host monthly virtual community sessions to answer intern questions and discuss opportunities for them to learn and grow.

Heading (H3)

  • This is a bullet. We host monthly virtual community sessions.
  • We host monthly virtual community sessions to answer intern questions and discuss opportunities for them to learn and grow.
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The International Office continues to run remote VSRP internships in 2021 to help faculty recruit B.S and M.S interns for their research projects.

We are also shifting our community online to help remote interns have an opportunity to learn more about KAUST and get to know each other. We host monthly virtual community sessions to answer intern questions and discuss opportunities for them to learn and grow.

If you have recruited or are recruiting an intern, please mail Nawazish Azim or Riham Alahmadi to discuss timeline and make sure all their documents have been submitted.

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The International Office continues to run remote VSRP internships in 2021 to help faculty recruit B.S and M.S interns for their research projects.
Lindsay Gorman – Jan 4, 2021